Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Progress so far..

I've been working on a couple of pieces in the past while (keeping me busy), and there's this one I'm doing at the moment that is just, well so far, amazing!  I'm so happy and excited with where this drawing is headed, that I'm hoping for greatness!  It's edgy and out of this world, something that'll sure to get people talking. :)

Here's a hint, it's involving the theme of Red Riding Hood.

Ready Set..

This is the first one in a series I'd like to start...eventually.  Got the idea on my drive to work one afternoon!
Again pencil crayon with some highlights done in Photoshop.  Took maybe 30ish hours.  <3

Bird Flu

Did this beauty in Prisma colour pencils <- think I found my new medium :)
I still get really awesome reactions from this one at the art shows, makes me laugh a little inside too!
I think the title name should explain alot! <3

Beauty and the Beast

I created this illustration a while ago, I worked on it over several months, on and off.  Finally finished it about a year ago and I hope I'm finally done with it.  Done in HB pencil (yes, just one pencil type) and then photoshoped the background! Enjoy! <3

Skull Nouveau

I did this little drawing after looking at alot of Art Nouveau illustrations.  Mucha was incrediable at this style (along with many others).  I've always wanted to try drawing like that, so I created this.  Also it's going to be an advertisement for an up coming art show I'm in, very excited! <3

New Skin

This is my creation New Skin.  It's being used as an advertisement for some schools across Ontario!
Took me maybe 40ish hours <- one of the better illustrations I think I've ever done, has definity opened up some doors! <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

Butterfly Eyes


So this is my newest creation done about a month ago.  I sold tons on these little babes at my past artshow.  I think it may have something to do with the fact that she kinda resembles a zombie, but who knows!  Done on illustration board in pencil crayons!
Please enjoy!